Nicola Mazzanti
Sound development through easy melodies
Get your own piccolo sound by playing three extraordinary melodies with Nicola, in order to study with expressiveness colours, dynamics, intonation, legato and vibrato.
“Se il mio nome saper voi bramate”
Course: Sound development through easy melodiesby Nicola Mazzanti
10 min.
Develop your piccolo sound playing with Nicola the famous aria from Rossini's "The Barber of Seville".
“Una furtiva lagrima”
Course: Sound development through easy melodiesby Nicola MAzzanti
14 min.
Develop your piccolo sound playing with Nicola the famous aria from Donizetti's "L'Elisir d'Amore".
Beethoven’s Flute Sonata in B-Flat Major
Course: Sound development through easy melodiesby Nicola Mazzanti
19 min.
Develop your piccolo sound playing with Nicola the wonderful Sonata written by Beethoven.