Acquire a perfect intonation with your piccolo.
Intonation on the piccolo: the toolbox
Course: Intonation on the piccoloby Gudrun Hinze
16 min.
Gudrun talks about 5 tools very useful to improve our intonation on the piccolo: lips, constance and speed of air, fingerings, vowels and sound memory.
Intonation: the piccolo scale
Course: Intonation on the piccoloby Gudrun Hinze
23 min.
Discover the system of intonation of the piccolo flute focusing on the flute scale and the piccolo scale.
Why is intonation more difficult when we switch from the flute to the piccolo?
Intonation: more than one system
Course: Intonation on the piccoloby Gudrun Hinze
11 min.
Learn how to manager the different systems of intonation of the other instruments with wich you play.
Intonation, part one
Course: Intonationby Peter Verhoyen
12 min.
In this first lesson, Peter talks about intonation covering the following topics: tuning slide, placement of the head joint and of the cork, warm-up of the instrument, effects of the mood on intonation, vibrato and tuners.
Intonation, part two
Course: Intonationby Peter Verhoyen
8 min.
Continue the work on intonation with Peter through practical sessions on the piccolo repertoire!